Join our Board of Directors
As a 501(c)3, YGP is governed by a Board of Directors. Joining a nonprofit board is a great way to share your expertise, learn new skills, and give back to the community! The Youth Garden Project is currently recruiting for two new board members. Membership on the YGP Board of Directors is a volunteer position with a commitment of at least two years.
YGP recognizes the value of cultivating a board of directors that is diverse, and that offers a variety of skills and experience levels. And side note: you do not need to be an expert gardener to apply! Remote board positions will be considered as well.
Potential applicants are encouraged to reach out to our Board President ahead of filling out the below application with any questions or if they would like to learn more about the role before formally applying. Set up a phone call or meeting by reaching out to board@youthgardenproject.org.
To view our current board members, click here.
Board Member Commitments
Please review these documents prior to applying so that you have an idea if joining the YGP board is right for you. We require each board member to sign these documents after being voted on to the board.
Board Member Agreement
Youth Garden Project agrees to provide each member of the board with the following:
- Access to the management of Youth Garden Project, as needed for proper operation of the board
- Ample notice of all meetings
- Minutes of all board meetings
- Relevant information to conduct his or her job as a board member
- To the extent allowed by law, indemnification from liability for a board member’s reasonable and necessary actions
- Reimbursement for reasonable expenses in conducting and attending to Youth Garden Project board business
- D&O insurance liability coverage
- Respect for his or her time
- The use of his or her talent effectively
The board member agrees to do the following as a Youth Garden Project policy volunteer:
- Commit time, thought, and effort to Youth Garden Project. Learn about Youth Garden Project, read financial reports and other Youth Garden Project documents, and keep up-to-date on Youth Garden Project programs, finances, and management.
- Know and effectively articulate the mission, purpose, goals, policies, and programs of Youth Garden Project. Represent Youth Garden Project to the community.
- Attend board meetings at least 8 times per year and participate in all such meetings, using fair, independent judgment and due care in conducting the business of Youth Garden Project.
- Chair and/or participate in at least one board committee.
- Attend 2 YGP events per year; assist with 3 fundraisers per year in a variety of ways.
- Participate in establishing and enforcing organizational policies.
- Accept responsibility for Youth Garden Project financial accountability.
- Avoid all direct or indirect political campaign intervention (such as supporting or opposing candidates for public office) in the name of Youth Garden Project and when using Youth Garden Project assets.
- Make an annual financial contribution according to personal means and seek financial support from others for Youth Garden Project as well.
- Avoid all conflicts of interest with Youth Garden Project and disclose those that do exist.
- Be loyal to Youth Garden Project, always exercising board powers in the interest of Youth Garden Project, and not for the interest of yourself or others.
- Participate in hiring and periodic evaluation of the Youth Garden Project Executive Director.
- Support and advise the Executive Director as appropriate.
- Participate actively in assessing Youth Garden Project performance and setting its strategic goals and objectives.
- Maintain confidentiality of all Youth Garden Project board meetings and other sensitive matters.
Statement of Covenant
As a board member of Youth Garden Project, I understand that my duties and responsibilities include the following:
- I am morally responsible for the health and well-being of this organization. As a member of the board, I have pledged myself to help realize the mission, which is: to cultivate healthy children, families, and community through educational programs and the profound act of connecting people food from seed to table.
- I am fiscally responsible, with the other board members, for this organization. It is my duty to know what our budget is, to be active in planning that budget, and planning the fundraising to meet that budget.
- I am legally responsible, along with other board members, for this organization.
- I am responsible to know and approve all policies and programs, and to oversee the implementation of policies and programs.
- I will attend all board meetings unless circumstances beyond my control prevent my attendance, and I will be available for home consultation.
- I will read materials sent to me in advance of the board meetings.
- I understand that if I am absent without excuse from regularly scheduled board meetings more than 2 times in a year that I may be asked to resign from the board.
- I know that if I neglect my duties or if I act in bad faith, it may be possible for me to be held personally liable in suits brought by a private person, a business, a governmental entity, or even the organization itself. However, I understand that I am not responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization as these are the responsibility of the chief executive.
- My one direct management responsibility, along with other members of the board, is the selection and supervision of the chief executive.
- I will give what is for me a significant donation. I may give this as a one-time donation each year, or I may pledge to give a certain amount several times during the year.
- I will work to raise money for Youth Garden Project, in whatever ways are best suited for me. These may include individual solicitation, helping with special events, writing mail appeals and the like. There is no set amount of money that I must raise because I am making a good-faith agreement to do my best, and bring in as much money as I can.
- I will act with the care and loyalty required of board members, and put the interests of the organization first. I will observe the organization’s conflict-of-interest policy in letter and spirit, taking care to disclose publicly any conflicts that arise in the course of my business or the organization’s, and to recuse myself from decisions that create or appear to create a conflict of interest for me.
- I promise to preserve the investment of time and money made over years by all the donors and volunteers who created this organization and brought it to this point. Every board member is making a statement of faith to carry out the above agreements to the best of our ability, each in our own way, with knowledge, approval, and support of all.
In its turn, Youth Garden Project is responsible to me in a number of ways:
- I will be sent, without request, regular financial reports that allow me to review Youth Garden Project’s financial position.
- I can call on the paid staff to discuss program and policy, goals, and objectives.
- Board members and staff will respond in a straightforward and thorough fashion to any questions I have that I feel are necessary to carry out my fiscal, legal, or moral responsibilities to this organization.
- D&O insurance will be provided.

Board Member Application
If you have any issues with the application, please click here to bring it up in another window. Thanks!