Register for CSA!
CSA Terms & Conditions
Individual shareholders pick up produce every other week for a total of 10 weeks per single shareholder, May 12th-October 6th, with no pick-up during a 2-week hiatus June 30th and July 7th. One share will receive a total of 10 baskets of produce throughout the season.
Self-serve pick-up will be on Tuesdays at YGP, either in the kitchen or the back classroom (TBD) starting at 4pm and remaining open until 9pm. CSA members are expected to arrive with tote bags or a box to bring home their share.
Each shareholder is responsible for communicating with Farm Director Gabriel via text or email by 7am on the morning after pick-up to arrange for pickup outside of the designated period. We are happy to accommodate a flexible pickup arrangement if we receive advance communication. If the shareholder does not communicate by 7am the morning after pickup day, produce will be distributed to YGP programs or within the community as YGP sees fit.
Cost for a single share is $225 and for a double share $450. We do not offer refunds for CSA share memberships.
Submit Payment Through PayPal
You may submit your payment through our PayPal donation link below; single shares are $225, double shares are $450. Cash or check also accepted by mail or at our office within one week of registration.