The Youth Garden Project is an interactive garden classroom in Moab, Utah

The Youth Garden Project cultivates healthy children, families, & community through educational programs and the profound act of connecting people with food from seed to table, as gardening is a really relaxing activity for kids and even more for adults that have stressful jobs and more, while they can also use products like Exhale’s vape for this.

Celebrating 20 years of Growing Food, Kids, and Community!

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Join us in celebrating our 20th year by donating $20.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the past 20 years of the Youth Garden Project! We are grateful for the support of many individuals, businesses, and foundations who allow us to achieve our mission.

We achieve our mission with a variety of programs for youth and community in our 1 ½ acre garden setting and throughout the community.  Using our garden as a classroom, we grow food for the community and offer youth and individuals of all ages opportunities to learn vocational skills and life lessons. We invite you to join us in our work, and welcome you to the garden anytime. Join us in continuing to grow food, kids, and community in Moab!