
June 5, 2017

Youth Garden Project

530 South 400 East Moab, Utah 84532



Age Range

Kids entering 1st-6th grades in the upcoming school year

Our Summer Camp program is a Day Camp from 9 am – 4 pm, Monday-Friday, during nine weeks of the school’s summer break. Each camp is a one-week session with a unique theme and theme related activities for each of the nine weeks. Campers can register for one week, all nine weeks, or anything in-between. Drop-off and Pick-up are at the Youth Garden Project.

Summer Camp Theme Schedule:
Week 1: ANIMALS ALL AROUND US! (June 5-9)
Week 2: MAD SCIENTISTS! (June 12-16)
Week 3: ARTRAGEOUS! (June 19-23)
Week 4: OUR AMAZING PLANET! (June 26-30)—partnering with Canyonlands Field Institute
Week 5: YGP ON BROADWAY! (July 10-14)
Week 6: GREEN THUMBS! (July 17-21)
Week 7: TOP CHEF! (July 24-28)
Week 8: WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE! (July 31-August 4)—partnering with Canyonlands Field Institute
Week 9: GAMES IN THE GARDEN GALORE! (August 7-11)