Volunteer Opportunities!

At the Youth Garden Project, we are committed to growing good, local food and connecting the community to the growing process from seed to table. You can help us achieve this goal by volunteering! We welcome community members and visitors of all ages to get involved at the Youth Garden. Volunteers are crucial to our organization – Learn more about how you can be involved below.

CSA Workshare Program

Trade your time for a weekly CSA share of fresh veggies. Visit our Produce Page for more information and details on how to be a part of this program.

Youth Volunteer Crew

Grand County students ages 12-18 are encouraged to participate in our Youth Volunteer Crew, a quarter-based after-school service opportunity! Click here for more information.

Weed 'n' Feed

Come weed with us in exchange for a garden-fresh meal prepared by volunteer chefs! Every other Wednesday from April – October, 6 to 8pm (see here for more info). No RSVP needed.

Family Volunteering

Get involved at YGP with your whole family! We are happy to provide additional opportunities besides Weed ‘n’ Feed for families to volunteer at the garden together. Give us a call to set something up.

Regular Commitment

We welcome volunteers who can commit to volunteering regularly throughout a season.  Please contact us below for more information.

One Time Events

We are always looking for volunteers to help out with one-time events (including Garden Dinners, Harvest Festival, and our Plant Sale!) Most of these events happen on evenings and weekends.

Court Ordered Community Service

We are happy to provide a space for those needing to complete their mandatory hours. Please give us a call to arrange.

Service Groups

YGP loves working with service groups from near and far! Please fill out our short Group Volunteer Application, and we will get back to you ASAP about your service group experience at the garden!

Our volunteers contribute vitally to many aspects of YGP’s daily functions. Whether you want to help out one time, every once in a while, or can commit to a regular schedule, we want to hear from you! The nature of our work is seasonal, so each week something new and exciting is going on.

Please fill out the volunteer sign-up form below or reach out with any questions. In order to ensure that volunteers receive meaningful work, it is important that you contact us before volunteering. Email our Outreach & Development Coordinator at jessie@youthgardenproject.org or call 435-259-2326.

We do much more than farm work and there is a place for everyone on our volunteer team. We are more than happy to discuss how our collaboration can meet both of our needs!

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  • Weekly/monthly/a couple times a year/as needed -- As often as possible we try to work within M-F 8-5 but there is flexibility and additional opportunities outside of those time frames
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  • (If you have been convicted of a felony, please select "No")